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Перевод StarOcean: The Second Story

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Ва-а-а, какой кадр хороший сегодня  откопал из манги...такой трогательный T_T.


Ути мои солнышки! Клауд меня вообще вкатывает, такой парень клааасссный! ^///^


Дя-я-я ^___^, какая парочка...
Завидую Клауду T_T, вечно он в женском обществе.


Как и обещал выкладываю инфу о персах ^^...

Claude C. Kenni is the son of Ronixis J. Kenni, a main character in the original Star Ocean. He has always lived under the shadow of his father's celebrity and role-model status. Claude later became an Ensign of the Earth Federation. During a reconnaissance mission on Planet Milocinia after ignoring his father's warnings about a strange device which was found during the exploration, he's transported to Planet Expel, and finds a girl (Rena Lanford) threatened by a monster, and quickly slays the creature using a Phase Gun provided by his father. Due to this event, he is mistaken for the "Warrior of Light" by Rena (as well as the other Expelians); because the so-called "Warrior" used "Alien Raiments" (Claude's clothes, different to the ones used in Expel) and a "Sword of Light" (his Phase Gun). After clarifying the situation, he goes to investigate the mysterious Sorcery Globe incident in order to find clues which would help him to return to Earth (or to his father's ship, the Calnus). Claude has the tendency to be brash and impetuous (and usually a little late), but altruistic. He wields a sword in battle, although he briefly used a Phase Gun in the beginning of the game in order to save Rena. Claude's best Killer Move is called "Mirror Slice". His favorite food is steak, and his favorite instrument is the silver trumpet.


Rena Lanford is a 17-year-old girl living on the underdeveloped planet of Expel in a village called "Arlia". Rena's rather happy-go-lucky, but has a very serious and romantic side to herself, especially around Claude. She has strange, elf-like ears that no one else on Expel seems to have, as well as healing powers that the Heraldic (Symbological) runes of the planet do not. In spite of the fact that her official artwork depicts her with a sword, Rena fights with knuckles and sometimes with her feet. Nevertheless, Rena is not a primary fighter; she excels at disruptive, healing, and statistical Heraldry. Her favorite food is shortcake and her favorite instrument is the lyre.


Dias Flac is a master swordsman, and a childhood friend of Rena's. Though he appears cold and emotionless, he feels regret and responsibility for the death of his family. Dias uses a fighting style very similar to iaido, a Japanese sword-based martial art associated with unsheathing and resheathing one's sword. His favorite food is chicken skewers and his favorite instrument is the cembalo. Dias' last Killer Move is called "Firebird Shock Wave" and is gained by leveling him up.

Dias appears in both Claude's and Rena's stories, but only becomes recruitable in Rena's. Though he first appears early in the game, the option to recruit him does not occur until the end of the first disc.


Ashton Anchors is a swordsman who appears in the Salva Drift where he is possessed by a two-headed dragon, named "Gyoro" and "Ururun" by Rena. (Their names describes the way their eyes move or stare.) Ashton is modest and self-doubting at the time of recruitment, and seeks to expel the dragons from his back. Ashton fights with two twin short swords, and his unlucky nature is reflected in his statistics. His favorite food is the hamburger, and he excels at the piano. His last special move, "Tri-Ace", is acquired, like Celine, not by leveling up, but by 'finding' it in a chest in "Cave of Trials".

Ashton initially joins the party in order to remove the dragons that live on his back, however, when faced with the ultimate opportunity to remove them, he decides that he has grown too attached to them. As thanks for helping him quest to remove the dragons, Ashton joins Claude and Rena permanently. He also appears to have a crush on Precis F. Neumann.

The recruitment of Ashton bars recruitment of Opera and Ernest.


Precis F. Neumann is a teenaged inventor who works with her father in Linga. Throughout the game, Precis appears to be attracted to several different male characters, including Claude and Ashton, but this is only apparent in certain Private Actions. Although perky and assertive, she is a genius technician and crafts her own unique weapons. She fights with a mechanical punching hand, which she controls with what appears (in her character portrait) to be a DualShock PlayStation controller, as well as other gadgets she has in her rucksack, including her "Bobot" and a portable satellite dish. Precis' final Killer Move is called "Holo-holograph" and can only be obtained by a certain Private Action with Ashton. Precis' favorite food is chocolate crêpes, and her favorite instrument is the harmonica.

Precis and Bowman cannot both be in your party at the same time. Recruiting one bars recruitment of the other.


The first optional character encountered, Celine Jules is a treasure hunter and a Heraldic enchantress. She appears rather haughty and is confident in her heraldic abilities. Celine is considered beautiful by many characters in the game, and adorns herself with expensive makeup and jewels. She appreciates strong, muscular men who make her feel physically safe, and dislikes effeminate men. Underneath her seemingly shallow exterior, however, is the heart and mind of a cunning sorceress who is capable of unleashing lethal spells, most of which are Fire, Thunder, and Star-elemental. Celine's favorite food is baby rabbit risotto and her favorite instrument is the violin. Her strongest spell is Meteor Swarm which is acquired not by leveling up, but by 'finding' it in a chest in "Cave of Trials".


Leon Geeste
Head of research at the Lacour Castle laboratory, Leon D.S. Geeste is quite literally a "child genius," with all the arrogance and naïvete of one. Though only twelve, Leon is the driving force behind the completion of the Lacour Hope, an energy weapon. Leon has pointed ears that show he is not an Expellian, but a member of the Fellpool race. Leon fights close-range by summoning monsters from books, but generally shuns melee combat for Heraldry, specializing in Darkness, Void, and Water elements. He enjoys carrot juice and best plays the violin. Like the previous Ashton and Celine, his last Killer Move, "Extinction", is gained not by means of leveling but by 'finding' it in a chest in Cave of Trials.

Leon appears in both Claude's and Rena's stories as a party member, but only becomes permanently recruitable in Claude's.


Pharmacist for the university town of Linga, Bowman Jean is married, but seems more interested in adventuring. He studies herbs and uses them as aid in battle. He fights short-range with fists. Bowman's last Killer Move, "Sakura Attack", is gained through leveling him up. His favorite food is daikon miso soup and his favorite instrument is the harmonica.

Recruiting Bowman precludes recruitment of Precis.


Opera Vectra and Ernest are from the planet Tetragene, home to an advanced civilisation that all bear a third eye upon their foreheads. For reasons unspecified, this feature does not draw overt attention to their appearance even among populations that have not experienced first contact. First born from a wealthy arisocratic family, Opera has a devoted, if not bordering obscessive personality and chases her boyfriend Ernest all over the galaxy and Expel. It is revealed that Opera crash landed on Expel in the Shingo Forest while looking for Ernest, and is now stranded there. Opera fights with a large shoulder-mounted laser gun, the "Kaleidascope". Opera's final Killer Move called "Hyper Launcher" can only be obtained through use of the Machinery Skill. She favors apple cider and the piano.

Recruiting Opera bars recruitment of Ashton. In order to recruit her the player must have firstly triggered a private action with a third eyed male in the town of Cross early on in the game. The group will later meet her in a tavern in the port-town Hilton after participating the Lacour Tournament. Follow her to Cross and get permission from the king to enter Mountain Palace. At the palace Opera will join the group as she searches for her boyfriend back there.


Ernest Raviede
Based on a character in an older game by the same company ,Ernest Raviede is an archaeology professor from planet Tetragenes. He cares about his work much more than he says he cares about Opera, though he still puts up with her. He wields a whip in battle. His favorite food is Hassaku tea and he plays the cembalo.

You must have Opera in your party to recruit Ernest after the Hoffman Ruins. An important point is that, if you refuse Ernest's offer to join, Opera will permanently leave the party as well.


Noel Chandler is a Nedian biology professor and a caretaker at the Synard preserve. Noel reveals that he was once an ally of the Ten Wise Men, but is now interested in redeeming himself. He is pacifistic, and spends most of him time looking after animals. Noel uses attack (mainly wind, vacuum and earth) and healing Heraldry, though Leon, Celine, and Rena are more specialized in their separate fields. Like Rena and Bowman, he fights with knuckles. His favorite food is the Big Tuna, and he plays the illusive shamisen.


Chisato Madison is a reporter for the Nede Chronicle. Absent-minded at times but quite potent, she follows the party through a monster-filled cave before losing her identification card and being recruited. She has attained the rank of black belt in "Shingu-style" jujutsu. She also fights (though rarely) with stun guns or handguns. Her favorite food is Lady Fingers (due to a programming error; she was meant to like fruit sandwiches). Her favorite instrument is the organ.


John Bazelini написал(а):

Как и обещал выкладываю инфу о персах

*читает с круглыми глазами* Ты ж обещал перевод!!


Дя ^^, но не так же быстро OO...
Сейчас разберусь со всеми своими делами, и примусь за перевод =D.


Вот зацените


Ва-а-а OO!!

*хлопает по плечу*
Отлично ^^...


Даааа Тиара-тян любит эту мангу...
Желаю успехов в переводе ^^


2 John Bazelini:
А ты-то откуда знаешь, что отлично? Ты, разве, так хорошо английский знаешь? :) мне, лично, кажется, что там косяков куча. Надо чтоб откорректировал кто-нибудь. Кто-нибудь сможет?


Sun_4_The_World написал(а):

А ты-то откуда знаешь, что отлично? Ты, разве, так хорошо английский знаешь?

*просматривает свою попытку убогого перевода*
Ну...эм...ну по сравнению с моим у тебя смысл наблюдается ^^".


2 John
Хаха :)
А какой смысл переводить без смысла?


Sun_4_The_World написал(а):

А какой смысл переводить без смысла?

А дело в том, что именно на первых страницах - этот смысл никак не найдёшь oO...А воть далешь всё как по маслу ^^


Может возобновить проект?:)


Я сам частенько об этом задумываюсь...но нужен перевод первой главы =____=


Публично заявляю: по окончании сессии я займусь Стар Оушеном.


А можно я буду эдитором?
Буду вставлять текст в мангу))


Ну, конечно! Кому ещё я могу доверить эту работу? Никому. Только тебе:)


Угу...хоть какой-то от меня толк будет)))

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